Ping with a longer timeout to identify latency problems. milliseconds, to wait for a response before the message is declared to be timed out or lost. This option is convenient for scripts that periodically check network behavior. Your options depend on the implementation. If a fault indicator is on, follow the cable from your PC to the router to make sure it is properly connected, then call your cable or broadband provider if necessary. Check that the router has the proper indicators light (and no faults), including the one that indicates a good connection to your PC.As the ping command transmits packets at about 1 per second, you should be able to see the data light blink. Most PC network ports have an indicator light that indicates a good connection and one that blinks as data is transferred.Check your wireless connection or the connection from your PC to your router, especially if it was working previously.If this fails, your TCP/IP is not functioning correctly, and your network adapter needs to be reconfigured.

Sendto: No route to hostThis may mean the address of the gateway is incorrect or that the connection from your PC is not up and running.