Standard key providers use the Cryptographer.* privileges. This documentation is updated frequently. If you select Compatibility Guides, you can open the Key Management Server (KMS) compatibility documentation. You can find information about VMware certified KMS vendors in the VMware Compatibility Guide under Platform and Compute. See the vSphere Compatibility Matrices for details. The Key Management Server must support the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) 1.1 standard. vSphere Standard Key Provider Requirements You can add separate standard key providers for different users and set the default standard key provider. Click Add, specify the following information in the KMS, and click OK.

Click Configure and click Key Management Servers or Key Providers. In vSphere, a standard key provider gets encryption keys directly from a key server, and the vCenter Server distributes the keys to the required ESXi hosts in a data center. vSphere 6.x Task 1: Create the KMS Cluster / Key Provider Log in to the vCenter Server with the vSphere Web Client and select the vCenter Server in the inventory list. You can use a standard key provider to perform virtual machine encryption tasks.